When your Root Chakra out of balance you may experience issues with your adrenal glands, colon, kidneys, bones, muscles, arterial blood that flows through the left chamber of your heart and carries oxygen and nutrients to your body tissue.
This meditation has been produced to help you align and bring into balance, your first energy centre also known as your Route Chakra.
Solfeggio Frequency 396 brings this centre into balance. Solfeggio frequency is sound and can be emitted through music.
The human body vibrates at different levels throughout the body and these vibrations are called frequencies. So, frequencies vibrate and just as magnetism attracts or repels, frequencies act accordingly.
Have you been attracting any of these types of people into your life for some time;
people who say they love you, but you feel you can't trust;
people who love you, but let you down;
people who say they love you, but don't fully support you;
people who say they love you, but you question that?
people who won't commit themselves fully to you;
people who are emotionally shut down;
people who are narcissists;
people who just don't ring your bell.
Well, know this. Your root chakra could be out of alignment.
This is located in the tailbone area at the fundamental base of your spine. It's associated with your grounding, stability, security, balance, and identity.
If your parents or guardians consistently provided you with what your needs were growing up and your experience growing up was one of order, then you would have felt that life was safe and the world was a safe place to be.
On the other hand, if your environment was difficult and your guardians were closed down emotionally to you, or if it was a struggle for you to source the basic needs of life, including your emotional needs from your guardians, then you will have developed a lack of trust.